سبب عجيب للإصابة بالسمنة..الإنترنت فائق السرعة!
ارتفاع حاد في الأشعة فوق البنفسجية وسط أوروبا.. مخاوف من سرطان الجلد
الطاقة الكهرومائية في كندا تتأثر سلبا بالتغير المناخي
محكمة أممية تنظر في أكبر قضية بشأن التغير المناخي مع ارتفاع مخاوف الدول الجزرية من الغرق
هكذا يساعد الذكاء الاصطناعي في اكتشاف الأمراض والوقاية منها
Saturday, July 27, 2019
بالصور... قطط زرقاء روسية تثير إعجاب آلاف المستخدمين
View this post on Instagram Same same but different? #twinsies 1. Xafi on the left and Auri on the right 2. Xafi as kitten and as adult 3. Auri as kitten and as adult 4. Auri on the left and Xafi on the right 🙋♀️ I often get the question how to tell Xafi and Auri apart. The first picture with the two kitten photos side by side show their different looks quite nicely but once they both grew up they started looking a lot more alike. While to us they are still as different as day and night we know it's not as easy for others to tell them apart. As sisters they do look quite similar, but there are a few tricks to tell them apart: If you look closely on the last photo you can see that Auri (on the left) has a rounder face, wider ears and slightly darker fur. Xafi (on the right) has a more angular face with slightly taller ears. Their "Meow" is also distinctly different as is the way they both move and act. Auri also looks a lot more muscular and toned even though they are exactly the same weight: 3.5kg 😊 I hope this helps a bit, but I would still never expect anyone having to distinguish them. 😉♥️ #sisfurs #twincats #twinproblems A post shared by Russian Blue Cats Xafi & Auri (@xafiandauri) on Jul 12, 2019 at 9:08am PDT
Same same but different? #twinsies 1. Xafi on the left and Auri on the right 2. Xafi as kitten and as adult 3. Auri as kitten and as adult 4. Auri on the left and Xafi on the right 🙋♀️ I often get the question how to tell Xafi and Auri apart. The first picture with the two kitten photos side by side show their different looks quite nicely but once they both grew up they started looking a lot more alike. While to us they are still as different as day and night we know it's not as easy for others to tell them apart. As sisters they do look quite similar, but there are a few tricks to tell them apart: If you look closely on the last photo you can see that Auri (on the left) has a rounder face, wider ears and slightly darker fur. Xafi (on the right) has a more angular face with slightly taller ears. Their "Meow" is also distinctly different as is the way they both move and act. Auri also looks a lot more muscular and toned even though they are exactly the same weight: 3.5kg 😊 I hope this helps a bit, but I would still never expect anyone having to distinguish them. 😉♥️ #sisfurs #twincats #twinproblems
A post shared by Russian Blue Cats Xafi & Auri (@xafiandauri) on Jul 12, 2019 at 9:08am PDT
View this post on Instagram Love is in the air #weddingbells 🙋 Happy Purrsday furiends. I am so super excited because I am going to a very special wedding tomorrow. 💒 The humans behind @izzyandthefluff are getting married and I will join in the fun with a few other IG friends. 💃 If you don't know the two cute tuxedo kitties yet swipe for a look at sweet Meowl Izzy and honorary care bear Zoë who are the two furbabies of the lovely Joanne and Dustin. 👰🤵 If you're interested you can follow me on my private account @anneken.prsck for some stories tomorrow evening. Unfortunately Tim can't come with me due to his work trip but I'll be celebrating the lovely couple with the humans of @siberian_odyssey and lumi.the.ragdoll I'll be back with posts and stories on Xafi and Auri on Sunday / Monday 😊 #loveisintheair A post shared by Russian Blue Cats Xafi & Auri (@xafiandauri) on Jun 27, 2019 at 8:55am PDT
Love is in the air #weddingbells 🙋 Happy Purrsday furiends. I am so super excited because I am going to a very special wedding tomorrow. 💒 The humans behind @izzyandthefluff are getting married and I will join in the fun with a few other IG friends. 💃 If you don't know the two cute tuxedo kitties yet swipe for a look at sweet Meowl Izzy and honorary care bear Zoë who are the two furbabies of the lovely Joanne and Dustin. 👰🤵 If you're interested you can follow me on my private account @anneken.prsck for some stories tomorrow evening. Unfortunately Tim can't come with me due to his work trip but I'll be celebrating the lovely couple with the humans of @siberian_odyssey and lumi.the.ragdoll I'll be back with posts and stories on Xafi and Auri on Sunday / Monday 😊 #loveisintheair
A post shared by Russian Blue Cats Xafi & Auri (@xafiandauri) on Jun 27, 2019 at 8:55am PDT
View this post on Instagram Sassy, classy and bad-assy 😏 #girlpower 🙋 Hi guys, just to let you know we'll be taking another small break. I seem to need them more and more often at the moment. Thanks for being so supportive despite me being so erratic with posting and engagement. There is no need to worry: cats and humans are all happy and healthy - priorities have just shifted a bit and running a social media account like this is a lot of work with cats that never stop moving (photographer's nightmare) and me being an editing perfectionist 😬 Since I now work two roles in a full time job and have two volunteer jobs on the side I need to ensure I spend the remaining time doing things that are healthy for me, including exercising and spending every spare minute with Tim and the cats. After all - cats are scientifically proven to have a positive influence on our mental health 😉 Long story short: We are all happy & healthy and hope you still enjoy this account even with less activity. ♥️ #grateful #loveyouall A post shared by Russian Blue Cats Xafi & Auri (@xafiandauri) on Jun 20, 2019 at 8:56am PDT
Sassy, classy and bad-assy 😏 #girlpower 🙋 Hi guys, just to let you know we'll be taking another small break. I seem to need them more and more often at the moment. Thanks for being so supportive despite me being so erratic with posting and engagement. There is no need to worry: cats and humans are all happy and healthy - priorities have just shifted a bit and running a social media account like this is a lot of work with cats that never stop moving (photographer's nightmare) and me being an editing perfectionist 😬 Since I now work two roles in a full time job and have two volunteer jobs on the side I need to ensure I spend the remaining time doing things that are healthy for me, including exercising and spending every spare minute with Tim and the cats. After all - cats are scientifically proven to have a positive influence on our mental health 😉 Long story short: We are all happy & healthy and hope you still enjoy this account even with less activity. ♥️ #grateful #loveyouall
A post shared by Russian Blue Cats Xafi & Auri (@xafiandauri) on Jun 20, 2019 at 8:56am PDT
اللبنانيون يواجهون خطر الاختناق القاتل… عن القصف الإسرائيلي والهواء الملوث الذي نستنشقه
هل تحرّك تفجيرات العدوّ الفوالق الزلزالية؟
اكتشاف حفريات ديناصور على جزيرة نائية
دراسة تحذيرية.. مضاد حيوي يؤدي إلى ظهور بكتيريا غير قابلة للعلاج
تحمي القلب وتبطئ شيخوخة الدماغ.. فوائد مذهلة لفاكهة لذيذة
كيف يمكن التخلص من حرقة المعدة؟
الإمارات تدعو من بالي إلى وضع خطط واضحة للتنمية
سبع مناطق بآسيا تتيح لروادها السباحة عراة
قصة "إيف" الوحش البحري الذي عاش في عصر ما قبل التاريخ