تحذير مقلق.. ناسا ترفع احتمالية اصطدام الكويكب الخطير بالأرض
تنبيه هام لمربي الحيوانات والمزارعين مع اقتراب موجة الصقيع في لبنان!
ظاهرة طبيعية مريبة.. نهر يغلي في قلب الأمازون "يسلق ضحاياه أحياء"
فيروس تاجي جديد يظهر في الصين؟!
فيديو.. إعدام 90 حوتا "كاذبا" في أستراليا بعد فشل إنقاذهم
"مصائد موت" في أعماق البحر الأحمر تثير دهشة العلماء
بالفيديو.. حفر ضخمة قد تبتلع منازل مدينة برازيلية
وزير الزراعة يبحث تعزيز التعاون لدعم الإنتاج الزراعي والصناعات الغذائية
المنخفض الجوي "آدم" باق في لبنان حتى يوم الثلاثاء
وزير الزراعة يبحث سبل دعم وتطوير القطاع الزراعي مع وفود نيابية وزراعية
Sunday, June 7, 2020
صور تكشف خفايا قبيلة "يلتهم أفرادها اللحم البشري" ويشربون من الجماجم!
Incredible pictures show Aghori tribe where men drink from skulls and eat human flesh to connect with gods https://t.co/wyIGoBJoXn— The Sun (@TheSun_NI) June 4, 2020
Incredible pictures show Aghori tribe where men drink from skulls and eat human flesh to connect with gods https://t.co/wyIGoBJoXn
View this post on Instagram Aghori, most terrifying and scary Indian ascetics. It’s said that they exists between life and death. They usually live close to the crematory grounds and use human bodies to their religious rituals. They perform Puja sitting on the body and collect “human oil” from corpse fat. Aghori are scavengers – they use to eat human flesh – and this is why they are usually called “cannibals” . . . . . ➡️ FOLLOW @janskwara_photo for more amazing travel pics . #ig_india #indiagram #gf_india #storiesofindia #indiapictures #indiaig #indianportraits #_soi #_coi #desi_diaries #photographers_of_india #EverydayIndia #NatGeoYourShot #worldnomads #LoveTheWorld #theglobewanderer #bnw_planet_2020 #pocket_bnw #lonelyplanet #passionpassport #gallery_of_dark_arts #s0mbrebw @nikon_pl #people_infinity #PortraitsFromTheWorld #PortraitPerfection #travelportrait #natgeopl #bestcaptureglobal #aghori A post shared by Jan Skwara Travel Photographer (@janskwara_photo) on Apr 4, 2020 at 5:48am PDT
Aghori, most terrifying and scary Indian ascetics. It’s said that they exists between life and death. They usually live close to the crematory grounds and use human bodies to their religious rituals. They perform Puja sitting on the body and collect “human oil” from corpse fat. Aghori are scavengers – they use to eat human flesh – and this is why they are usually called “cannibals” . . . . . ➡️ FOLLOW @janskwara_photo for more amazing travel pics . #ig_india #indiagram #gf_india #storiesofindia #indiapictures #indiaig #indianportraits #_soi #_coi #desi_diaries #photographers_of_india #EverydayIndia #NatGeoYourShot #worldnomads #LoveTheWorld #theglobewanderer #bnw_planet_2020 #pocket_bnw #lonelyplanet #passionpassport #gallery_of_dark_arts #s0mbrebw @nikon_pl #people_infinity #PortraitsFromTheWorld #PortraitPerfection #travelportrait #natgeopl #bestcaptureglobal #aghori
A post shared by Jan Skwara Travel Photographer (@janskwara_photo) on Apr 4, 2020 at 5:48am PDT
View this post on Instagram Aghori, most terrifying and scary Indian ascetics. It’s said that they exists between life and death. They usually live close to the crematory grounds and use human bodies to their religious rituals. They perform Puja sitting on the body and collect “human oil” from corpse fat. Aghori are scavengers – they use to eat human flesh – and this is why they are usually called “cannibals” . . ➡️ FOLLOW @janskwara_photo for more amazing travel pics . . . . #ig_india #indiagram #gf_india #storiesofindia #indiapictures #indiaig #indianportraits #_soi #_coi #desi_diaries #photographers_of_india #EverydayIndia #NatGeoYourShot #worldnomads #LoveTheWorld #theglobewanderer #bnw_planet_2020 #pocket_bnw #lonelyplanet #passionpassport #gallery_of_dark_arts #s0mbrebw @nikon_pl #people_infinity #PortraitsFromTheWorld #PortraitPerfection #travelportrait #natgeopl #bestcaptureglobal #aghori A post shared by Jan Skwara Travel Photographer (@janskwara_photo) on May 5, 2020 at 3:08am PDT
Aghori, most terrifying and scary Indian ascetics. It’s said that they exists between life and death. They usually live close to the crematory grounds and use human bodies to their religious rituals. They perform Puja sitting on the body and collect “human oil” from corpse fat. Aghori are scavengers – they use to eat human flesh – and this is why they are usually called “cannibals” . . ➡️ FOLLOW @janskwara_photo for more amazing travel pics . . . . #ig_india #indiagram #gf_india #storiesofindia #indiapictures #indiaig #indianportraits #_soi #_coi #desi_diaries #photographers_of_india #EverydayIndia #NatGeoYourShot #worldnomads #LoveTheWorld #theglobewanderer #bnw_planet_2020 #pocket_bnw #lonelyplanet #passionpassport #gallery_of_dark_arts #s0mbrebw @nikon_pl #people_infinity #PortraitsFromTheWorld #PortraitPerfection #travelportrait #natgeopl #bestcaptureglobal #aghori
A post shared by Jan Skwara Travel Photographer (@janskwara_photo) on May 5, 2020 at 3:08am PDT
View this post on Instagram Aghori, most terrifying and scary Indian ascetics. It’s said that they exists between life and death. They usually live close to the crematory grounds and use human bodies to their religious rituals. They perform Puja sitting on the body and collect “human oil” from corpse fat. Aghori are scavengers – they use to eat human flesh – and this is why they are usually called “cannibals”. . . . . ➡️ FOLLOW @janskwara_photo for more amazing travel pics . #travel #traveller #ig_india #_coi #indiagram #gf_india #storiesofindia #indiapictures #indiaig #desi_diaries #NatGeoYourShot #worldnomads #LoveTheWorld #theglobewanderer #travellerspath #discoverearth #lonelyplanet #passionpassport #TravelAwesome #aghori #sadhu #skulls #ascetics #shiva #hindu #hinduism #_woi #_soi A post shared by Jan Skwara Travel Photographer (@janskwara_photo) on Mar 20, 2020 at 4:54am PDT
Aghori, most terrifying and scary Indian ascetics. It’s said that they exists between life and death. They usually live close to the crematory grounds and use human bodies to their religious rituals. They perform Puja sitting on the body and collect “human oil” from corpse fat. Aghori are scavengers – they use to eat human flesh – and this is why they are usually called “cannibals”. . . . . ➡️ FOLLOW @janskwara_photo for more amazing travel pics . #travel #traveller #ig_india #_coi #indiagram #gf_india #storiesofindia #indiapictures #indiaig #desi_diaries #NatGeoYourShot #worldnomads #LoveTheWorld #theglobewanderer #travellerspath #discoverearth #lonelyplanet #passionpassport #TravelAwesome #aghori #sadhu #skulls #ascetics #shiva #hindu #hinduism #_woi #_soi
A post shared by Jan Skwara Travel Photographer (@janskwara_photo) on Mar 20, 2020 at 4:54am PDT
View this post on Instagram Aghori, most terrifying and scary Indian ascetics. It’s said that they exists between life and death. They usually live close to the crematory grounds and use human bodies to their religious rituals. They perform Puja sitting on the body and collect “human oil” from corpse fat. Aghori are scavengers – they use to eat human flesh – and this is why they are usually called “cannibals”. . . . . ➡️ FOLLOW @janskwara_photo for more amazing travel pics . #travel #traveller #ig_india #_coi #indiagram #gf_india #storiesofindia #indiapictures #indiaig #desi_diaries #NatGeoYourShot #worldnomads #LoveTheWorld #theglobewanderer #travellerspath #discoverearth #lonelyplanet #passionpassport #TravelAwesome #aghori #sadhu #skulls #ascetics #shiva #hindu #hinduism #_woi #_soi A post shared by Jan Skwara Travel Photographer (@janskwara_photo) on Mar 20, 2020 at 9:48am PDT
A post shared by Jan Skwara Travel Photographer (@janskwara_photo) on Mar 20, 2020 at 9:48am PDT
التقنيات الخضراء.. كيف تساهم التكنولوجيا فى مواجهة تغير المناخ؟
نهر القيامة الجليدى يثير الرعب فى العالم..!
صعوبة في تفسير الارتفاع القياسي في درجات الحرارة العالمية
تغيّر المناخ أضاف 41 يوماً من الحرارة الخطيرة بمختلف أنحاء العالم عام 2024
إحذروا هذه الأشياء قد تكون خطر للغاية، ملكي: لألزام المؤسسات الزراعية، بالحصول على رخصة باشراف ورقابة مهندسين زراعيين!
وزير التربية يصادق على اتفاقية تعاون بين المركز التربوي وجمعية غدي
مرسيدس تكشف عن ساعتها الذكية
ألغت صداقته على فيسبوك... فأحرقها