Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Maher Mahjoub, new director of the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation

Ghadi News
After a decade of successfully implementing the IUCN Programme - first as coordinator of IUCN North of Africa Programme and later for the entire Mediterranean region, Maher Mahjoub has been appointed Director of the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation. In his time at IUCN-Med, the number of Members has grown in North Africa from 11 to 36.
Born in Tunisia (Monastir) and having completed degrees in Engineering Geology & Earth Sciences, Maher Mahjoub brings 24 years of experience in the field of nature conservation and sustainable development, which he has gained working with public administrations, international, regional organisations and non-governmental organisations.
As a conservation leader, he brings a vision developed in his years as Head of Sites and Natural Heritage Unit in the Tunisian Ministry of Environment, Regional Vice Chair of the World Commission on Protected Areas and IUCN field evaluator for various Natural World Heritage missions. At IUCN-Med, he has overseen the development and implementation of the Work Plans in the Mediterranean and North Africa in close collaboration with IUCN Members and Commissions
Flagship programmes such as PPI-OSCAN or TransCap to support civil society organisations in North Africa have allowed him to deepen his understanding of the socioeconomic challenges of conservation and its linkages with local community needs and livelihoods. As part of the new initiative ‘Mubadarat UICN’ this work continues to empower civil society organisations as essential conservation actors in the Mediterranean.
Moreover, Mr. Mahjoub has actively contributed to build partner relationships, sign important agreements, influence policies and represent IUCN in the Mediterranean.
His appointment is a unique opportunity to continue strengthening North-South collaboration for nature conservation in the Mediterranean region.

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