فيضانات إسبانيا المدمرة.. ارتفاع حصيلة القتلى إلى 155
هل تحرّك تفجيرات العدوّ الفوالق الزلزالية؟
الأرض تتعرض لعاصفة مغناطيسية
اكتشاف حفريات ديناصور على جزيرة نائية
دراسة تحذيرية.. مضاد حيوي يؤدي إلى ظهور بكتيريا غير قابلة للعلاج
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Dinosaur fossils discovered in Hong Kong for the first time. Experts have discovered dinosaur fossils in Hong Kong for the first time, challenging previous beliefs about finding ancient remains in the region. pic.twitter.com/8j71C3qwOW— China Daily (@ChinaDaily) October 25, 2024
Dinosaur fossils discovered in Hong Kong for the first time. Experts have discovered dinosaur fossils in Hong Kong for the first time, challenging previous beliefs about finding ancient remains in the region. pic.twitter.com/8j71C3qwOW
First #dinosaur fossils in S China's #HongKong: Dinosaur fossils dated to Cretaceous period about 145 to 66 mln years ago have been discovered on Port Island, the SAR said Wed. The follow-up research marks 1st cooperation project under a new agreement between HK and the mainland. pic.twitter.com/fdfzMmziUP— People's Daily, China (@PDChina) October 24, 2024
First #dinosaur fossils in S China's #HongKong: Dinosaur fossils dated to Cretaceous period about 145 to 66 mln years ago have been discovered on Port Island, the SAR said Wed. The follow-up research marks 1st cooperation project under a new agreement between HK and the mainland. pic.twitter.com/fdfzMmziUP
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