
الأكثر قراءةً

وزير الزراعة يقود جهودًا وطنية لتعزيز الإرشاد الزراعي والتعاون الدولي

وزير الزراعة اللبناني يعزز التعاون الزراعي عبر لقاءات مكثفة مع وفود محلية وإقليمية

14 مدينة من دولة واحدة بين أكثر 20 مدينة بهواء "ملوث" عالميا

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اخر الاخبار

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تحذير من "سارق البصر".. 4 أسئلة تساعدك في الكشف المبكر

وزير الزراعة اللبناني يعزز التعاون الزراعي عبر لقاءات مكثفة مع وفود محلية وإقليمية

14 مدينة من دولة واحدة بين أكثر 20 مدينة بهواء "ملوث" عالميا

Christmas in Hammana 2021 launched to support local artists

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Monday, December 20, 2021

Christmas in Hammana 2021 launched to support local artists

"Ghadi News"


SPNL has participated in “Christmas in Hammana 2021”, which took place between the 17th and 19th of December.The opening of the Christmas market took place on December 17th in Hammana’s old souk district, where there were two SPNL stands displaying the organization’s diverse products. The items exhibited included products from SPNL’s hima, including wine, jams, syrups, and soaps, in addition to handmade craft items. As such, SPNL is shedding light on handmade local products from the Hima farm, something that supports the local community and plays a positive role in the development of the local community’s economy.

In addition, SPNL gave a session about the value of conserving biodiversity, as well as manual activities for children from the age of 8 to 12 years and youth from Homat Al Hima. Through these sessions, the SPNL team has raised children’s awareness about the environment, as they delivered the key messages to the children in an entertaining and interactive way. The ambiance was pleasant and festive and there were many visitors who came from different areas of Lebanon despite the cold weather. This has helped the visibility of SPNL as the team had the chance to engage people with the various Hima programs including Souk el Hima, Homat al Hima, Hima school, Hima farm, and Hima to Hima.

SPNL, in partnership with the municipalities of Hammana and Kayfoun, and with the generous support of SRT, CEPF, MAVA, and the the EU funded “Egyptian Vulture New Life” project, has been able to implement and take part in this enriching event in the festive season.

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