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اكتشاف أضرار "خطيرة" لحقت بأطفال ومراهقين أصيبوا بكورونا

لجنة كفرحزير: استيراد الاسمنت يحمي الشعب من جرائم شركات الترابة البيئية والصحية والمالية

وزير الزراعة اللبناني لـ "سبوتنيك": أولوياتنا ملف الاعتداءات الإسرائيلية.. ورسالة الى المزارعين

فيديو.. اصطياد مخلوق بحري غريب يشبه الكائنات الفضائية

وزير الزراعة يستقبل النائب بيضون ووفودًا زراعية ويؤكد على حماية إنتاج البطاطا المحلي في عكار

اخر الاخبار

فيديو.. اصطياد مخلوق بحري غريب يشبه الكائنات الفضائية

لجنة كفرحزير: استيراد الاسمنت يحمي الشعب من جرائم شركات الترابة البيئية والصحية والمالية

وزير الزراعة اللبناني لـ "سبوتنيك": أولوياتنا ملف الاعتداءات الإسرائيلية.. ورسالة الى المزارعين

وزير الزراعة يستقبل النائب بيضون ووفودًا زراعية ويؤكد على حماية إنتاج البطاطا المحلي في عكار

اكتشاف أضرار "خطيرة" لحقت بأطفال ومراهقين أصيبوا بكورونا

Endangered animals become the voice of brands as a cry for help

Ghadi news

Monday, January 29, 2024

Endangered animals become the voice of brands as a cry for help

"Ghadi News"

Homat Al Hima International (HHI) recently launched a new campaign called Endangered Voices that involves recreating the iconic sonics of brands in the voice of endangered animals.

The idea was conducted in collaboration with the Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon (SPN) and involved recreating the top 15 brand sonics in the world. The Intel sonic was recreated in the voice of the Galapagos Penguin, BMW’s sonic in the voice of the Arabian Owl, Netflix’s in the voice of the African Elephant, and VISA’s in the voice of the Humpback Dolphin, among others. These brands were then tagged by Homat Al Hima International on social media and invited to use animal-voice sonics in their communication to give endangered animals a chance to be heard and saved.

Speaking about the idea, Assad Serhal, Founder and Chairman of HHI, said, “The idea of Endangered Voices is a cry for help from endangered animals to the world. If they could speak, they would reach out to everyone and plead to be saved from extinction. By recreating the iconic sonics of brands in the voices of endangered animals, we also pay homage to these popular brands. Most of the time, brands and businesses donate, but the larger world doesn’t know about it. This idea is a win-win for Homat Al Hima International and the big brands, as we received the attention and donations we sought, and the brands were seen doing good by the public.”

The campaign is live on the social accounts of Homat Al Hima International (HHI) and the Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon. You can support it by visiting @homatalhimaintl on Instagram, @homatalhimaintl on X, and @homatalhimaintl on TikTok

@spnlorg on Instagram and @SpnlOrg on X.

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