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وزير الزراعة اللبناني يعزز التعاون الزراعي عبر لقاءات مكثفة مع وفود محلية وإقليمية

14 مدينة من دولة واحدة بين أكثر 20 مدينة بهواء "ملوث" عالميا

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14 مدينة من دولة واحدة بين أكثر 20 مدينة بهواء "ملوث" عالميا

Endangered Voices Campaign nominated for Dubai Lynx Awards

Ghadi news

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Assad Serhal: This idea is a win-win for all environmental organizations and the big brands

"Ghadi News"

Homat Al Hima International (HHI) recently launched a new campaign called Endangered Voices that involves recreating the iconic sonics of brands in the voice of endangered animals. The idea was conducted in collaboration with the Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon (SPNL) and involved recreating the top 15 brand sonics in the world. The campaign was nominated to the Dubai Lynx Awards in partnership with Leo Burnett Dubai.
Dubai Lynx will be held at the Emirates Golf Club on 5 March 2024. MENA’s creative marketing community will come together to learn, network, and set the agenda for creativity. The Awards ceremony on Wednesday, 6 March 2024, will celebrate the region’s best creative work.
Here’s the idea. HHI and SPNL invite consumer brands to evolve their sonic identities and use the calls of various endangered species instead of musical instruments. Endangered Voices is a campaign based on recreating the sonic identities of the world’s biggest brands as the sounds of endangered animals. We invite these brands to buy the endangered voices for a sum they wish to donate to conserve the endangered species. On social media, we appeal to the brands and invite them to use the new sonic identities to raise awareness about endangered animals and buy tunes to donate to conserve these species.
We protect nature through the Hima because the endangered voices inspire us. But we also focus our efforts on those species—like birds, mammals, marine turtles, and seals —whose protection influences and supports the survival of other species or offers the opportunity to protect whole landscapes or marine areas.
The Intel sonic was recreated in the voice of the Galapagos Penguin, BMW’s sonic in the voice of the Arabian Owl, Netflix’s in the voice of the African Elephant, and VISA’s in the voice of the Humpback Dolphin, Shahid’s in the voice of the Arabian Wolf, among others. These brands were then tagged by Homat Al Hima International on social media and invited to use animal-voice sonics in their communication to give endangered animals a chance to be heard and saved.
Speaking about the idea, Assad Serhal, Director General of SPNL and Birdlife International Global Chairman for the MENA, said, “The idea of Endangered Voices is a cry for help from endangered animals to the world. If they could speak, they would reach out to everyone and plead to be saved from extinction. By recreating the iconic sonics of brands in the voices of endangered animals, we also pay homage to these popular brands. Most of the time, brands and businesses donate, but the larger world doesn’t know about it. This idea is a win-win for Homat Al Hima and all environmental, conservation, and protection organizations and the big brands, as we received the attention and donations we sought, and the brands were seen doing good by the public.”
“We work in unity with many to achieve lasting conservation results. Together, we can protect and restore species and their habitats. The Hima concept is the key, and with the “Endangered Voices” campaign, we hope that the voices of the endangered will be heard everywhere. The corporate funding of NGOs has dropped drastically due to the pandemic and the financial slowdown, and we hope to grab the attention of the big brands to help continue to achieve our goals worldwide”.
The campaign is live on the social accounts of Homat Al Hima International (HHI) and the Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon. It reached more than 1.5 million on X and half million on Instagram, in addition to tens of thousands of views and reach on other platforms.
You can support it by visiting @homatalhimaintl on Instagram, @homatalhimaintl on X, and @homatalhimaintl on TikTok
@spnlorg on Instagram and @SpnlOrg on X.

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