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14 مدينة من دولة واحدة بين أكثر 20 مدينة بهواء "ملوث" عالميا

Hamada Malaeb Just Reached the Top of Mount Kilimanjaro

Ghadi news

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Hamada Malaeb Just Reached the Top of Mount Kilimanjaro

Ghadi News

Homat Al Hima has always been renowned for its love of challenges and adventures. Many champions have undertaken daring expeditions to conquer some of the world’s most famous and highest mountains.

In a recent expedition, a team of climbers, including Hamada Malaeb, project manager of the Doroub Al Hima trail at the Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon (SPNL), accomplished an extraordinary feat by reaching the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s tallest peak, at an elevation of 5,895 meters.

With this achievement, Hamada has etched his name in history as the first climber of Homat al Hima to reach the summit of Kilimanjaro.

When he reached the top of the mountain, Hamada proudly raised the SPNL’s slogan at the summit, showcasing his national pride and resilience.
“I feel a tremendous sense of pride in accomplishing this historic feat, becoming the first Homat al Hima climber to ascend Mount Kilimanjaro, towering at an impressive elevation of 5895 meters,” Hamada said.

“This achievement not only elevates my personal standing but also brings honor to my entire country,” Hamada stated.
Every step towards the summit, according to Hamada, symbolized an extra stride toward the realization of his dreams. He expressed hope that his journey sends a powerful message not only within Lebanon but also beyond the borders to all the activists working to protect nature by reviving Hima concept.

“The key to reaching the summit in all fields lies in self-confidence and belief in the rising generations,” Hamada emphasized.

Despite facing daunting challenges along the way, including harsh weather conditions with temperatures dropping below -15 degrees Celsius, strong winds, rugged terrain, and fluctuating oxygen levels, Hamada demonstrated unwavering determination and teamwork.

His months of rigorous training, which involved climbing numerous mountains in Lebanon, prepared him for this seven-day trek to the summit.

It’s worth mentioning that Mount Kilimanjaro, which is located in Tanzania, East Africa, is the continent’s highest mountain and the tallest free-standing mountain globally, with its summit rising 5,895 meters above sea level.

While it attracts adventure enthusiasts from around the world, conquering Kilimanjaro is no easy feat due to its geological and climatic challenges.

We celebrate Hamada and all Lebanese heroes who defied all odds to reach the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, embodying the spirit of resilience and perseverance.

Their remarkable achievement is a testament to the indomitable Lebanese spirit and serves as an inspiration to all.


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