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وزير الزراعة اللبناني يعزز التعاون الزراعي عبر لقاءات مكثفة مع وفود محلية وإقليمية

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وزير الزراعة اللبناني يعزز التعاون الزراعي عبر لقاءات مكثفة مع وفود محلية وإقليمية

14 مدينة من دولة واحدة بين أكثر 20 مدينة بهواء "ملوث" عالميا

New CWF CEO Sean Southey Will Lead Critical Efforts Connecting Canadians to Nature

Ghadi news

Friday, August 16, 2024

New CWF CEO Sean Southey Will Lead Critical Efforts Connecting Canadians to Nature

"Ghadi News"

OTTAWA, Ontario, Aug. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Canadian Wildlife Federation (CWF) is thrilled to announce the hiring of Sean Southey as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO). With a strong background in conservation leadership, Southey will spearhead the organization's mission to connect Canadians with nature and restore endangered habitats. His extensive experience in international development, communications, and conservation sectors will be instrumental in advancing CWF's top priorities, including transformative education. He will officially take on his new role on Sept. 16, 2024.

"During this critical time for wildlife in Canada, Sean Southey's extensive experience and deep commitment to conservation will play a pivotal role in advancing a conservation ethic which is instrumental to supporting key species and their habitats," stated Brad Leyte, President of the CWF Board of Directors.

With more than 30 years of experience, Southey has served in various roles, including five years with a provincial environment ministry, 12 years with a United Nations environment team, and ongoing involvement with non-governmental organizations. Notably, he spent a decade as the President of PCI Media, a conservation NGO based in New York City. He has received more than 100 awards for his outstanding work in reaching diverse audiences with wildlife and planet-saving information.

Southey's appointment as CWF’s CEO follows the retirement of Rick Bates, who served 16 years with the charity leaving a significant legacy of growth and achievement. Bates expressed his congratulations to his successor, highlighting Southey's prior involvement with CWF as a volunteer member of the Advisory Board of the CWF Canadian Conservation Corps youth program. Having also worked alongside Southey on the Council for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature for the last eight years, Bates is confident in this transition and excited for the future of CWF. Southey will continue to serve as the Chair of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Commission on Education and Communication (CEC) for the next year until his term is completed.

Looking ahead, CWF has outlined its key priorities for the next five years, which include advancing nature-based solutions to climate change and biodiversity loss while providing Canadians with the training and resources to inspire conservation.

“I am honored and excited to join CWF,” said Southey, who will be based at the head office in Kanata, Ont. “The work we do is so important for the people, wildlife and habitats of this beautiful country. We have much to do but I am confident that this amazing team and organization will continue to play its part in helping build a true culture of conservation across Canada.”

Source: finance.yahoo.com – untitled

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