
Historic achievement: IUCN Species Survival Commission recognised with Guinness World Records Title

"Ghadi News" The IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) proudly announces that Guinness World Records® ...

Conservation de la nature: "Le sort de la biodiversité en Afrique, à la fois préoccupant et porteur d'espoir" (Maher Mahjoub, directeur de l'UICN-MED)

Tunis,23 juin (Interview réalisée par Meriem Khadraoui/TAP)- "Le sort de la biodiversité en Afrique ...

Une décennie d'engagement pour la conservation en Afrique du Nord : L'UICN-Med célèbre son partenariat avec la société civile

UICN-Med est fière d'annoncer la tenue de l'Atelier Régional du Programme PPI OSCAN 3, qui se ...

Hamada Malaeb Just Reached the Top of Mount Kilimanjaro

Ghadi News Homat Al Hima has always been renowned for its love of challenges and adventures. Many ...

Endangered Voices Campaign nominated for Dubai Lynx Awards

"Ghadi News" Homat Al Hima International (HHI) recently launched a new campaign called Endangered ...

Endangered animals become the voice of brands as a cry for help

"Ghadi News" Homat Al Hima International (HHI) recently launched a new campaign called Endangered ...

IUCN statement to UN Climate Change Conference 2023

#Ghadi News IUCN Director General Dr Grethel Aguilar delivered IUCN's statement to the UN Climate ...

Beginner’s luck for Lebanese French expat lands her AED 1,000,000 with Mahzooz

Ghadi News Dubai, UAE: In her first participation with Mahzooz , the UAE’s leading weekly draw on ...

In Honorable Memory of Ziad Samaha

Ghadi News Ziad Samaha tragically passed away on 23 April 2023 following a diving accident, at ...

Maher Mahjoub, new director of the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation

Ghadi News After a decade of successfully implementing the IUCN Programme - first as coordinator ...

MSC Foundation and IUCN announce partnership to conserve coral reefs

Ghadi News Monaco, 22 March 2023 - The MSC Foundation and the International Union for Conservation ...

Togo: An early warning system for earthquakes!

Ghadi News IUCN Lebanese national committee president, and the Past District Governor for Lions ...

Serhal: Are we hoping to wake up and call for a global Hima for peace?

Ghadi News In a heartwarming words, General Director of SPNL, chairman of Birdlife Middle East ...


"Ghadi News" Heat waves, severe droughts, water shortages: the consequences of climate change are ...

IUCN welcomes appointment of Razan Al Mubarak as UN Climate Change High-Level Champion for the COP28 Presidency

Ghadi News Gland, Switzerland, 12 January 2023 (IUCN) - The International Union for Conservation ...

La surpêche diminue en Méditerranée et en mer Noire, mais les ressources halieutiques restent sous forte tension

Ghadi News Rome – La surpêche en Méditerranée et en mer Noire a fortement baissé au cours de ...

Removal of bird poaching nets from Nabi Othman and Jabula in the northern Bekaa

Ghadi News Based on a complaint to it from sustainable hunters in the areas of Nabi Othman and Jaboula ...

Top-flight recovery: the inspiring comeback of the California condor

Ghadi News Nearly extinct in the 1980s, an intensive programme to reverse the bird’s decline has ...

Shark fin trade regulated at last in landmark decision

Ghadi News The ruling at a major wildlife conference finally takes major steps to address the overfishing ...

Japan supports Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon (SPNL) through the Construction of a Waste Management Facility in Menjez

Ghadi News Japan will extend a grant to the Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon (SPNL), ...

Egyptian COP27 Presidency, Germany and IUCN announce ENACT Initiative for Nature-based Solutions

Ghadi News Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, 16 November 2022 (IUCN) - The ENACT initiative, which will ...

IUCN Asia and MONRE, Vietnam meet to discuss conservation priorities

Ghadi News On 19 October 2022, Dr. Dindo Campilan, IUCN Regional Director for Asia met with the ...

IUCN and Huawei Launch Tech4Nature Publication to Showcase Best Practices in Technology-based Nature Conservation

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and Huawei launched a PANORAMA Tech4Nature ...

The Lebanese National Committee of (IUCN) participates in the activities of the 20th Anniversary of the IUCN-Med in Spain

Ghadi News The Lebanese National Committee of the International Union for Conservation of Nature ...